


For two weeks, the Ox-Bow community was home to Sales Ambassador, Evan Maddox as she worked on assignment to attend the two-week intensive workshop, The Living Archive led by Heather Hart and jina valentine of the Black Lunch Table. Located in Saugatuck, Michigan, the Ox-Bow experience offers an energizing natural environment and rich artistic history for creatives at all stages of their career to learn, teach, network, and bring back new ideas into the studio. During her time at Ox-Bow, Maddox experimented with non-commercial methods of interacting and exploring within the known dimension.

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This collection of print materials consists of over 100 found-objects that relate to the entertainment and tourism industry in Saugatuck, Michigan. The archive includes assorted brochures, maps, business cards, postcards, and takeaway menus. The purpose in collecting these materials was to document how land usage, local culture, and points of interest are represented at the time of acquisition and how they will evolve over time. It also serves as a way to study recreational activities, visualize depictions of community, and the desire for “life-changing" experiences. (Collection available to view by appointment only).


To remedy feelings of sentimental longing, sophisticated medical equipment was created to painlessly remove unwanted buildup of nostalgia. Testing for the special procedure began at the rural artist community of Ox-Bow, first experimenting on the nostalgia-saturated students from The Living Archive workshop. It was first made available to the public during the Friday Night Dance Party as a pop-up clinic where nostalgia was extracted from the students and faculty of Ox-Bow.

This groundbreaking procedure has helped ease nostalgic feelings towards…

An Ex-Partner

Old Clothing

The Third Grade

For more information, please visit www.triangleheaduniverse.com/nostalgia


Designed for an “on-the-go” lifestyle, the cardboard prototype represents a prosthetic enhancement structure designed for relaxation and augmentation of the mind. Inspired by copper meditation pyramids, the octahedral structure can assist the wearer in manifesting a portable energy field through meditation, as well as connecting them telepathically to greater energies and galaxies beyond the cosmos.

(Consumer testing still in progress!)


Founded in July of 2022, the official sound library for the Triangle Head Universe was created as a virtual archive to collect various soundscapes and audio projects. Some of the first recordings in the collection document the ambient sounds of the nature and wildlife surrounding the Ox-Bow campus.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Listen to the entire Ox-Bow folder here!

The Triangle Head Universe would like to thank all the wonderful humans who make Ox-Bow such an incredible place, with special extra thanks to Heather Hart and jina valentine from The Living Archive workshop.

06/19/22 - 07/2/22 Ox-Bow School of Art (Saugatuck, Michigan)